Safety alerts

In an attempt to better convey safety critical information, Pure Rail will attempt to keep this page updated with the latest safety alerts from the various track operators across NSW. If you have anything to add to this page please let us know at

Any changes to the Rail Safety Act 82c they can be found on the website of the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator website.

PACC – Principle

20240606 ARTC Safe notice – Sefton Park Junction and Cooks River

20240517 UGL Safe Notice – 0008-24 Amendment No 1 Manildra – Altered Safeworking and Possession Protection arrangements

20240510 ARTC SAFE NOTICE – 2-5560 Amendment 1 – Altered Safeworking Arrangements for Hunter Valley Local Possession Authority

2-5550 – Temporary Closure of Dandaloo Street Level Crossings 497.629km

2-5551 – Network Information Book OGW-30-29 Amendment

2-5552 – Stabling of QUBE train 2-5553 – Upgrade of 116 Points – Port Waratah

2-5554 – Level Crossing Temporary Closure of Ogilvie Street Level Crossing – Yarrawa

2-5555 – Altered Possession Protection Arrangements – Hexham

2-5556 – Altered Possession Protection Arrangements – East Greta Junction 2-5557 – NCIG Altered Possession Protection Arrangements – Kooragang

2-5558 – Altered Possession Protection Arrangements – Greta

2-5559 – Kooragang PWCSARTC Arrival Road Interface Boundaries Altered Possession Protection Arrangements – Kooragang

2-5560 – Altered Safeworking Arrangements for Hunter Valley Local Possession Authority – Various

2-5561 – Altered Safeworking Arrangements for Hunter Valley Local Possession Authority – Various 2-5562 – Installation and Commissioning of Frame A Groundframe

2-5563 – Installation and commissioning of points and signalling equipment

20240517 ARTC HSE Alert – COMM-0000045

20240508 – ARTC Safe Notice Update – Operational Notice Narrabri

20240507 – ARTC Safe Notice 2-5549 Narrabri

20240507 – ARTC Safe Notice 2-5548 Port Waratah to Muswellbrook

20240506 – ARTC Safe Notice – 2-5405 Amendment 2

0010-24 Leeton – Installation of Axle Counters Canal Street Level Crossing

20240429 ARTC safe notice – Update of Nibs UH2

20240429 ARTC safe notice – Amendments to ARTC NSW Network rules and procedures

20240424 – 0009-24-UGLRL Network Control Operated from Orange NCC and Mayfield NMC

20240423 – 0008-24 Manildra – Altered Safeworking and Possession Protection arrangements

20240419 – 0007-24 WITHDRAWN West Tamworth – STOP Block and Altered safeworking arrangements

20240411 ARTC WHS-ST-001 – Driving

20240411 ARTC HSE Alert – COMM-0000042 Removal of CERT as ARTC ATTP and FAQs

ARTC – New Hunter Bulk Terminal Site Induction as of 18th March 2024

20240208 – CRN Safe Notice 0004-24 Griffith -Blumer Ave (BCH) Installation of Axle Counters

20240208 – CRN Safe Notice 0003-24 Leeton -Installation of Axle Counters Canal Street Level Crossing

20240208 – CRN Safe Notice 0002-24 Bathurst -33 points motor upgrade

20240208 – CRN Safe Notice 0001-24 Tarana -57 points motor upgrade

20240111 ARTC HSE Alert – COMM-0000024 Significant Safeworking Event Communication Irregularities 20240111 ARTC SWB Dry Creek V1

20240108 TfNSW Contractors Speak-Up Hotline

20231222 – ARTC HSE Alert – COMM-0000020 Temporary Removal of CERT as ARTC Approved RTO

20231215 – ARTC HSE Alert – COMM-0000017 – Temporary removal – Skilled Rail Services Pty Ltd

20231212 TfNSW SB067 holiday-season-safe-use-of-drugs-and-alcohol

20231206 HSE Alert – COMM-0000010 VLine’s incidents on Audible Track Warning Signals failed to explode (RE-ISSUED)

20231019 HSE Alert – Requirements for On Rail Operation of Road Rail Vehicle (RRV) travelling over level crossings

20231019 WHS-WI-200

20231012 HSE Alert – COMM-0000004 ARTC Stay Vigilant While Driving & Travelling in Remote Locations in NSW

20231011 ARTC eTAP October Update Briefing Document Protection Officers_

26.09.2023 – crn safe notice – 0011-23 Westdale Yard Infrastructure alterations

20230914 SE Bulletin B0022 – Red Imported Fire Ants

20230912 Standing Notice 2202 TA20 TFP Restrictions

20230912 Standing Notice 2182 CoP TWA Restrictions

20230912 SAFE Notice 2-5405 NSW TWA Restrictions

20230912 Notice of Restrictions for Usage of TWA_TFP on ARTC Interstate Network

20230831 eTAP Refreshers Modules

20230831 crn safe notice – 0010-23 A1 Coolamon ABA and Coolamon extension works

20230828 Safety Share Lessons Learnt – EHS-21174 LTI – Worker tripped whilst unloading on flatbed truck and fell onto ground below – Werris Creek

20230803 Toolbox Talk – Rail Safety Week 2023 – ARTC

20230726 TfNSW Local Safety Communication Unsafe Acts when using LW v 1.1

20230726 TfNSW Local Safety Communication Unsafe Acts when using LW v 1.1

20230728 Flash Alert F0045- Worker car accident – Bylong

20230721 – 0008-23 Amendment No 1 – Commissioning of the UGLRL work on track application (WOTA)

20230713 Manual Block Working DRAFT 1.1

20230718 ARTC Flash Alert F0044 – Securing Manually Operated Catch Points

20230714 ugl safe notice – Changes to Network Rules, Procedures and Glossary

Repeat Offender Cops Fatigue Conviction | ONRSR

20230627 SW Alert Jun 23 HV ARTC Rail Grinding Resurfacing

20230626 – CRN TOC Notice – Train Length Limits

20230623 Safety Advisory – SA04-022 – Locomotive sandbox fixing arrangements

20230615 – Notification of change to UGL Regional Linx Network Rules and Network Procedures

20230608 CRN Safe Notice 0008-23 Commissioning of the UGLRL work on track application (WOTA)

20230606 Lesson Learned L0012 – Near Miss Train to Vehicle

20230602 – ugl safe notice- crn 0007-23 Parkes -314 Points Motors Upgrade-2

20230526 – UGLRLX CRN Safe Notice – 0004-23 ICE Radio Communications to Emergency Services 000

20230524 – RACN 23-008 – operation of 21tal wagons at 60kmh on Central and North West Routes

20230501 Safety Flash RTS 1.05.23

UGLRL 0002-23-Invasive and dynamic testing for the Train Control System replacement project

UGLRL 0003-23 SSR stable The Rock ABA

20230406 – ARTC Manual Block Working V1

20230405 – SE Bulletin B0019 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Procedure

20230405 – Lessons Learnt L0011 – Struck by Mobile Plant (FSR 05) and Crushed by a Crane or Lifted Load (FSR 08)

20230314 – S&E Bulletin B0018 – Amendments to Electronic Authority – ATMS – ATMS Occupancy Rules Table

20230214 – Flash Alert F0039 – Uncontrolled movement of SSP Regulator

20230210 – Flash Alert F0038 – Hirail Excavator roll over

20230207 – Flash Alert F0037 – WHS incident Worker collision with oncoming oversized load on public road

20230125 – memo for contractors and suppliers – COVID – Jan 2023.pdf

20221221 ARTC SE Bulletin B0016 – NSW Network Rules and Procedures

20221216 ARTC S&E Bulletin B0015 – Demarcation Fencing Procedure

20221130 ARTC COR-FM-056 SAFETY ENVIRONMENT BULLETIN – Wilpinjong Near Miss_

20221129 ARTC Flash Alert F0031 – Near Miss Train to Vehicle

20221118 ARTC SAFE Notice 2-5253

20221118 ARTC SAFE Notice 2-5254

20221118 Flash Alert F0030 – Increased Risk of Mosquito Borne Virus Transmission including Japanese Encephalitis

20221117 – SA 0002-22 Severe weather events on the CRN

20221111 ARTC Flash Alert F0029 – Moonee Ponds Safe Working Incident – Train to Trackworker

20221111 ARTC eTAP App Update and Enhancements for Protection Officers – Phase 1

20221110 Sydney Trains – CSN required for work in an LPA

20221110 Sydney Trains – CSS Script for Work Within LPA V1.8.pdf

20221025 ARTC SAFE Notices – October Mains LPA – Port Waratah Islington Junction Woodville Hamilton

20221025 ARTC Memo – PPE Explainer 2022

20221011 ARTC PPE Changes

20220926 ARTC Flash Alert F0024 – Trailer Detachment N2NS – Inland Rail

20220914 TFNSW – E&M local safety communications

20220909 ARTC Flash Alert F0023 – Trailer Rollover

20220906 TFNSW Safety Notice – Changes to the TfNSW Drug and Alcohol Policy effective 6th Sep

20220831 ARTC Safety Bulletin – ARTC Adjacent Line Requirements

20220824 TFNSW updated drug-and-alcohol-policy-effective-6-september-2022

20220822 TFNSW – Infrastructure Services – Changes to Services – Notification of change – Effective December 2022

20220816 ARTC Safety Alert – Picton TWA Train to RRV Near Miss

20220804 uglrl crn safe notice 0013-22-Invasive and dynamic testing for the Train Control System replacement project

20220728 CRN 0012-22 Safe Notice – New and altered permanent level crossing speed signs

20220726 CRN 0010-22 Safe Notice -Protecting Worksites using Network Rule CNWT 308 Route Control Blocking

20220726 CRN 0011-22 Safe Notice -Commissioning of new passive pedestrian crossing

20220621 – ARTC Safety Bulletin – Changes to Piggybacking process NSW

20220411 – Adjacent line protection Mandatory Requirements as at April 2022

20220411 Seymour Near Miss

!!! Reporting Positive Rapid Antigen Tests !!!

20220103 – 0001-22 Commencement of Control of the Country Regional Network by UGL Regional Linx

20220103 – 0002-22 Withdrawal of JHR Safe Notices applicable to the Country Regional Network (CRN) (1)

20220103 – 003-22 Protecting Worksites using Network Rule CNWT 308 Route Control Blocking

20220103 – 0004-22 Junee to Griffith Installation of non-commissioned permanent and level

20211210 artc Flash Alert F0005 – Failure of Railway Track Signals

20211129 – ARTC COVID-19 Vaccinations as a condition of entry

20211111 TFNSW Safety Alert – 2021-11-derailment-reporting-requirements

20211102 ARTC Safe Notice – Port Waratah – SN2-4939

20211011 TFNSW SN – NPR 752 Using Wireless Automatic Track Warning Systems V1.2 (PRE-RELEASE)

20211011 TFNSW SN – NWT 310 Lookout Working V7.2 (PRE-RELEASE)

20210920 JMDR Safety Bulletin – New USABT 415V Power Feed

20210914 safety bulletin – JMDR SB LIVE Power V1.4 210914

20210824 ARTC Flash Alert No134 -Motor Vehicle Collision

20210721 Safe Notice 0034-21 Bumberry – Removal of B frame and Goods Siding

20270707 ARTC External Safety Alert – Review of long end leading operations – 25 June 2021

20210611 ARTC SA Re-Issue-ARTC-Safety-Alert-No105-Mobile-Plant-Isolation-1

20210611 ARTC SA Re-Issue-ARTC-Safety-Alert-No-123-Worker-Struck-by-Excavator

20210603 JMDR Drug and Alcohol Management Procedure – UPDATED

20210506 TFNSW – Amendment information V15.0.05052021

20210503 ARTC SN 24799 – NSW PTOS TMACS

20210409 tfnsw Summary of changes 30 May 2021 Network Rules amendment V3.0

20210401 HSE Alert 006-2021- Parkes Yard Finger Injury _with ICAM Actions_

20210318 SNT-2021-1003-Use-of-NWT-308-Absolute-Signal-Blocking-on-the-Network

20210311 tfnsw – Summary of changes April 2021 Network Rules amendment V2.0

20210225 tfnsw Summary of changes April 2021 Network Rules amendment V1.0

20210222 ARTC Safety Alert No 128 Walkways

20210215 TFNSW CSS Revised Script Changes Communications

20210210 TFNSW CSS Revised Script Changes Communications

20210121 TSN-2021-112-Ashfield-AMC-FMC-Granville-Seftom-Pk-Jct-Westmead

20210121 TSN-2021-132-Blacktown-St-Marys-NIF

20210121 TSN-2021-145-Exception-to-NWT-302-and-NPR-700-Limit-Markers

20201218 TSN-2021-125-St-Marys-Blacktown-ATP

20201218 TSN-2021-124-Meeks-Rd-Junction

20201218 TSN-2021-106-Wynyard-City-Inner-and-Outer-Illa-Junction

20201218 TSN-2021-105-Auburn-Granville-Seven-Hills-Cabramatta

20201218 TSN-2021-104-West-Ryde-Thornleigh

20201218 TSN-2021-103-Central-North-Sydney

20201218 TSN-2021-102-Kiama-Berry

20201218 TSN-2021-101-Illawarra-Jct-Meesk-Rd-Jct-Sefton-Park

20201215 SNT-2020-1042-East-Richmond-Level-Xing

20201214 TSN-2020-390-Sydney-Sydney-Terminal-METRO

20201214 TSN-2020-376-Sydenham-Bankstown

20201208 TFNSW CSS Revised Script Changes Communications

20201203 TFNSW SNT-2020-1040-St-Marys-Blacktown

20201119 TSN-2020-387-St-Marys-Blacktown-NIF

20201119 TSN-2020-382-St-Marys-Blacktown

20201119 TSN-2020-381-Wyong-NIF-readiness

20201119 TSN-2020-380-Turrella

20201119 TSN-2020-303-Redfern-Config-15

incident-alerts  2020 – two-workers-injured-by-tractor-slasher

20201117 TFNSW SN Amendment information V13.0.17112020

20201105 TSN-2020-372-Bourke-St-Pedestrian-Crossing-Temp-Closure

20201105 TSN-2020-358-Lidcombe-Granville-Seven-Hills-Richmond-St-Marys

20201105 TSN-2020-357-Central-City-Outer-Turella-Metro-D

CRN Safe Notices 0051-20 and 0052-20

20201029 JHG CRN sn-0050-2020-changes-to-network-rules-procedures-and-forms

20201029 TSN-2020-354-Central-Illawarra-Jct-METRO-A

20201029 TSN-2020-351-Fairfield-Sefton-Pk-Jct-Macarthur

20201029 TSN-2020-348-Blacktown-St-Marys-NIF

20201023 ARTC Safety Alert No 127 Forklift Pallet Racking

20201014 ARTC Safety Alerty – Part A Vehicle Entering the Rail Corridor

20200925 TFNSW Summary of Changes – December 2020 amendments flyer

20200921 TFNSW LOW Prohibited Locations Register Update V11.0.21092020

20200915 ARTC Safe Notice Maitland Works

20200831 ARTC Safety Alert No 126 Loose Wheel Nuts ARTC Vehicles

20200826 TFNSW WN-37-2020

20200826 TSN-2020-326-St-Marys-Blacktown-NIF

20200826 TSN-2020-322-Westmead-MT-Victoria-Lithgow-Wallerawang

20200826 TSN-2020-314-Metro-D-Central-Flying-Jcts

20200818 SAFE Notice – Amendments to ARTC NSW Network Rules and Procedures

20200813 TSN-2020-346-Eveleigh

20200813 TSN-2020-312-St-Marys-Blacktown-NIF

20200813 TSN 2020-311 Hornsby Car Siding

20200810 ARTC Safety Alert No 124 Line of Fire – Lifting Operations

20200807 TSN-2020-300-METRO-G

20200807 TSN-2020-299-Auburn-Granville-Parra-St-Marys

20200724 TSN-2020-313-St-Marys-Seven-Hills-NIF

20200724 WN-32-2020

20200724 TSN-2020-307-St-Marys-Blacktown-NIF

20200724 TSN-2020-291-Illawarra-Jct-Meek-Rd-Jct-Sydenham-Marrickville-Chullora

20200722 TFNSW SN – Amendment information V9.0.17072020

20200717 TFNSW SN – NS-1450-Protection-Officer-Performance-Standard-V4.1

20200713 ARTC SN – Lessons Learnt (Part C) P2 Masks

20200713 – ARTC message re covid-19-melbourne-hotspots

20200703 Working with John Holland Memo July 2020

20200630 eTAP app Version Update Protection Officer Briefing Document June 2020

20200526 TSN-2020-298-St-Marys-Seven-Hills-NIF

20200526 TSN-2020-296-St-Marys-Seven-Hills-NIF

20200526 TSN-2020-295-St-Marys-Seven-Hills-NIF

20200526 temp SN 258-2020

20200526 TSN-2020-234-Wyong-Gosford

20200625 WN-28-2020

20200616 ARTC Safety Alert No 123 -Worker Struck by Excavator & Re-Issue of ARTC Safety Alert No 105 Mobile Plant Isolation

20200611 TSN-2020-251-Flemington-Granville-Westmead-FMC

20200611 TSN-2020-252-Kiama-Berry

20200611 TSN-2020-253-St-Marys-Emu-Plains

20200611 TSN-2020-254-Emu-Plains-Penrith-Yard

20200611 WN-2020-26

20200601 TFNSW Safety Notice – PSN-2020-005-Use-of-Signal-Key-Switches

20200522 TFNSW SN – 2020-293-Central-North-Sydney-NIF

20200512 update of ARTC NIBS

20200505 TFNSW Corridor Safety System Script Changes – Communication

20200424 TFNSW SN – Network Local Appendices Update

20200417 – TFNSW Weekly Notice Update

20200417 TSN-2020-197-Central-Sydenham-Marrickville-Sefton-Cabramatta

20200417 TSN-2020-207-St-Marys-Blacktown-NIF

20200417 TSN-2020-210-Kiama-Bomaderry-Nowra

20200417 TSN-2020-214-Blacktown-St-Marys-NIF

20200417 TSN-2020-217-Illawarra-Jct-Hornsby-HMC

20200417 TSN-2020-229-Kangy-Angy

20200417 TSN-2020-257-FMC

20200417 TSN-2020-261-Exception-to-NWT-302-Markers

20200415 TFNSW – Safety Notice -2020-1026-Aleration-to-SN-203-2020

20200408 TFNSW SNT-2020-1024-Absolute-Signal-Blocking-Updated-Requirements

20200408 TFNSW – Weekly Notice 17 WN-2020-17

20200408 Essential Energy Approved Alcohol and Other Drugs Procedure – EFFECTIVE DATE 4th May

20200408 TFNSW – Amendment information V3.0.06042020

20200407 Pacific National – Pre Start Health Check Requirement

20200407 TFNSW – Safety Alert Covid19 Pre Work Briefing precautions – Final

20200406 TFNSW Weekly Notice – WK-2020-16

20200401 – TFNSW NLA 310-Hornsby-Gosford-V18.0 update

20200331TFNSW_ Sydney Trains Access Pre-Advice System (APS) Go Live

20200327 – JH-SUB-COVID-19 – Planning and Response

20200326 TFNSW Safe Notice – TSN-2020-200-Epping-Hornsby

20200326 TFNSW Safe Notice – TSN-2020-195-Flying-Jcts-Erskineville

20200326 TFNSW Safe Notice – SNT-2020-1023-Various-NIF-cancellations

20200326 ARTC Safety Alert No 122 Pre-Work Brief

20200324 TFNSW Safe Notice-2020 1022-Leppington

20200319 ARTC Change to April Major PO Briefings

20200319 – TSN-2020-246-St-Marys-Blacktown

20200319 – TSN-2020-188-Revesby-Turrella-NIF

20200319 – TSN-2020-187-St-Marys-Blacktown-NIF

20200319 – TSN-2020-186-St-Marys-Blacktown-NIF

20200317 RGR Team Etap Update

20200311 – ARTC Safety Alert No 121 Toyota Landcruiser Wheel Inspections

20200305 Safe Working Rule Change – Worksite Delineation Marker (Yellow Light)

20200228 etap training locations

20200227 ARTC Safe Notice – Chullora Junction Upgrades

20200220 ARTC UPDATED Safety Alert – Vehicle Roll Over

20200219 ARTC Safe Notice – Network Rule LWA and etap

20200219 TFNSW Safety Alert – spot checks on riw cards

20200206 Closedown Hot Work Controls – Memorandum_ARTC February 2020 Closedown_Final

20200203 ARTC Safety Alert – Coronavirus

20200203 ARTC – Changes to PO Briefings

20200131 Safety Alert – CBM re Coronavirus

20200130 ARTC Safety Alert – Amendments to ARTC NSW Network rules and Procedures

20200124 Downer Zero Harm Alert – Fall from height

20200121 TFNSW Safe Notice – Local Possession Authority – Using a Local Possession Authority

20200121 ARTC Safety Alert No 116 Rail Trolleys

20200115 Downer Safe Notice – Bushfire Smoke and your Health

20191022 ARTC Safe Notice – NSW Network Rules and Procedures Amendments – Training requirements

20190909 – ARTC Safety Alety No 114 – Robel Clamp

20190909 TFNSW Safe Notice – Network Rules and Procedures Amendments

20190905 TFNSW – upcoming changes to Possessions

20190823 TFNSW Safe Notice – HIGH VIZ Long Pants TFNSW Rail Sites

20190809 TFNSW Safe Notice – Changes to Network Rules and Procedures Part 1 of 3

20190809 TFNSW Safe Notice – Changes to Network Rules and Procedures Part 2 of 3

20190809 TFNSW Safe Notice – Changes to Network Rules and Procedures Part 3 of 3

20190723 TFNSW RIW-MTA Transition

20190723 ARTC Safety Alert No 113 TOA over CSB

20190712 ARTC Safety Alert No 112 External Double Fatality on Network Rail (UK)

20190710 TFNSW Safe Notice –

20190628 TfNSW_Safety Alert_RIW Transition – Pegasus Cards

20190618 Sydney Trains Sfe Notice – SNT 2019 – 1029 Recall of RTS

20190524 Drones in ARTC

20190517 ARTC_Lessons Learnt – Fundamentally Stable Vehicles

20190513 Sydney Trains Precautions When Working Around ATP Balises

20190513 TFNSW_ ASB Safety Video – Railsafe

20190502 Pegasus log in and out – John Holland NIF project

20190502 – TFNSW Safety Alert – RailSafe and Network Rules Updates

20190418 _ SNT 2019 – 1018 Recall of Railway Track Signals

20190405 Downer Bulletin – Zero Harm – Live Strand Wire

20190405 Downer Bulletin – Zero Harm – Uncontrolled Vehicle Movement

20190403 ARTC Memorandum – REMINDER RE Dress code for attendance at PO Briefings – Final

20190322 Key Lessons – Learnings from Recent Incidents – Feb – march Closedown

20190320 TFNSW – CSS Script Change 19 March 2019

20190313 TFNSW – Safety Alert – Rail Safety Incidents during an LPA

20190306 MEMO – RTS Register

20190305 Safety Alert – Onsite Documents

20190214 – ARTC Safety Alert No111 – Look Out Working Network Information Books (NIB)

20181204 ARTC – Revised On Rail Operation WMS

20181126 TFNSW Safety notice – SA18-310 Site Fencing_Security due to High Winds

20181123 – TFNSW House Keeping & Security inside the Rail Corridor



20181025 Safe Notice – Use of signal key switch 40.3 TFNSW

20181015 Sydney Trains TFNSW – approved worksite delineation markers within an LPA

20181015 TFNSW – Safe Notice – Speed Signs

20181008 Incident reporting – Laing O’Rourke Toolbox Talk

20181008 ARTC Safety Alert No110 – Work Trains travelling into a Fixed Worksite

20181008 TFNSW – resolves for safe working incidents (pages 13 and 19)

20180927 Notification of NR changes – TfNSW – Infrastructure Services

20180916 Safe Notice 2-4084 ARTC Changes to Network Rules and Procedures

Lessons Learnt – Signal Safe Place

Call for an end to Worksite Protection Incidents

Fatal & Severe Risk Program_Summary Poster

Memo – ARTC Hunter Valley Contractors Working in the Rail Corridor

20180829 TFNSW Safety Alert – ACS

20180727 D&A Breeches

20180727 Non-TfNSW site requirements

20180727 RRV reporting requirements

20180727 Service Strikes

20180709 – Hazard Alert Ballast Dust

2-2840 Amendment 2

20180525 – Clip and Lock Points -Lessons-Learnt

20180421 – SA 18-295 Using Lookout Working

20180430 – SA 03-18 CNWT304 Track Occupancy Authority v1.0

20171214 – Report of incidents on Country Regional Network

20171214 – Correct use of Supplementary Codes

20171212 – Absolute Signal Block Safety Alert 7 2017

20171109 – Safety Alert 17-291 plus attachments

20171103 – Safe Notice 2-2993 – Track worker communication protocols

20171024 – Clyde Safety Focus

20170919 – Snake reminder

20170808 – Vehicle Incident

20170510 – Synthetic-fibre-sling-fails

20170428 – Pure Rail Safety Alert

20170222 – Narrabri Laceration to finger

20170405 – Rolling Rail

20170222 – Road accident on gravel

20170222 – Fire at Rosemount Road

20170224 – NMIH LX fouling

20170212 – Kink in Bridge Pier – Moree

20170216 – Truck struck level crossing standard – Camurra

20170215 – Gate collapse – Waratah

20170215 – Sharp plastic placed in screw slots

20170127 – Rail Worker Near Hit Redfern

20161206 – GrainCorp Loader on track Bellata TCR13575

20161209 – IIA power point burnt out

20161130 – CPB Safety Alert

20161130 – Internal Incident Alert – Train strike cross level board

20161110 – Faulty cruise control

20161031 – IIA – Hydrema Collision

20161031 – Injury from hand held rail profiler

20161027 – Contractor Safety Alert – Backhoe Rollover

20161018 – Internal Incident Alert – Shoulder Strain

20161014 – Internal Incident Alert – Safe Working Breach – Werris Creek

20120702 – SSFL Safeworking Alert